Public Housing
The Eastern Iowa Regional Housing Authority owns and manages 163 rental units in Dubuque, Jackson, Delaware, and Clinton Counties. These Public Housing units consist of apartments, duplexes, and single family homes, providing housing for low-income families, seniors, and persons with disabilities. Participants pay a minimum of 30% of their adjusted income toward rent and utilities or $50, whichever is greater. Payments are made directly to EIRHA on the first of each month.
Public Housing Program Income Limits
Application Process
No Smoking Policy
After receipt of the application, the applicant is then placed on a waiting list. As vacancies occur, and applicants reach the top of the waiting list, they are then mailed a preliminary briefing packet is to be completed and returned to EIRHA. After the screening process is completed, the applicant is then offered a unit.

Map of Public Housing Site Locations